1. Aid Digestive Trouble: Have you been experiencing digestive struggles? Doing a cleanse clears out your digestive system, recalibrating your body for lasting digestive calm.
  2. Dissipate Inflammation: Are you experiencing excessive inflammation throughout your entire body? Cleansing flushes this inflammation out of your body, freeing your joints and organs from constant pain, for ultimate relief.
  3. Lose Weight: Would you like to lose some weight? Cleansing clears out your colon and the other toxin-affected areas of your body, helping you feel lighter.

Are you interested in trying a cleanse? Dream Health offers fabulous cleanse products, to reboot your body for a healthier self.



1.)   Refrain from using electronics 30 minutes before you lay your head to rest. The glowing screens from electronics send a signal to your brain that tells it to “wake up.”



2.)   Have a proper diet and exercise. Believe it or not, eating well and getting proper exercise will train your body to have a better nights rest. Exercise reduces stress and less stress equals better sleep.


3.)   Try the natural method of melatonin or dream solution products. There are a lot of products that help you fall asleep naturally be sure to find the one that fits best to you.


When searching for the right sleep supplement, it’s important to do your research. A highly rated website and product is dreamhealth.net. There you can find a wide range of products to send you into a deep and restful nights rest.

Reasons to Start Exercising Today

Exercise is a big part of the DREAM health program and lifestyle. In fact, it’s the ‘E’ is DREAM! In conjunction with the other D – R – E – A – M elements, proper exercise will result in overall better health. Here are some tips to help motivate you to start today:

3It Makes You Happy

Studies confirm there is a direct relationship between exercise and an increased release of feel-good hormones. In fact, people who exercise regularly also have a lower risk of depression. Although our culture tends to emphasize medical interventions for almost every problem, exercise is a behavioral treatment that can naturally improve your health over time.

Improve Life in Bed

Regular exercise can boost your active activity in bed – keeping your muscles active promotes hormone production, and more muscle mass means more stimulation and hormone production, which helps both men and women maintain their sexual functioning. Additionally, exercise can help with your not so active bed activity – sleep.

Boost Your Brain, Fight Dementia

Both your intellectual skills and your memory benefit from regular physical activity. Free flowing, increased oxygen to the brain boosts intelligence and your ability to carry out everyday activities. Although we don’t know for certain that exercise can slow or prevent Alzheimer’s, signs point to that it helps, and regular activity helps preserve the neurons in your brain which is an advantage should you ever develop the disease.


  1. Chronic Joint and Muscle Pain: Oftentimes, chronic joint or muscle pain results from tissue damage. Chiropractic manipulation can help realign these tissue issues, thereby alleviating unnecessary pressure.
  2. Poorly-Healed Back Injury: Have you suffered a back injury that healed incorrectly? A chiropractic adjustment manually realigns these types of issues, to better correct injuries.
  3. Strange Sole Wear: Our walking patterns result heavily from the alignment of our spines. If your shoe soles seem to be wearing out in strange places, that could be a sign of misalignment. Consult with a chiropractor if the issue persists.


Are you interested in consulting with a chiropractor? Dream Health offers the alternative care you need to rid your body of unwanted pain


  1. Digestive Health: Daily, our body houses various good and bad bacteria, vital in breaking down ingested food for nutrient absorption. However, if an influx of bad bacteria builds up, bloating, cramping, diharrea, and other unpleasant symptoms can occur. Adding more good bacteria, or probiotics to your digestive tract can decrease potential for these symptoms.
  2. Immunity: Infection and disease can result from unhealthy digestive bacteria buildup. By digesting probiotics, healthy bacteria clears out unhealthy bacteria from the digestive tract, increasing immunity levels.
  3. Obesity: Studies have shown that adding probiotics to your diet can increase and maintain weight loss, most likely due to aided digestion.

Are you interested in adding probiotics to your diet? Dream Health offers effective probiotic supplements to keep your bodily systems running smoothly.



Folks are often faced with this dilemma: I feel discomfort in my back, but it’s probably nothing, right? It’ll just go away in a matter of days or weeks. I probably just need to rest more or eat better.

It’s true that a handful of back pain dilemmas arise from notably bad posture, a poor or inadequate diet, bad sleeping habits or even using bad form while exercising. Unfortunately, the average individual is not qualified to properly diagnose these problems, which can often prove to be fatal down the road.

It may be wise to consult a Chiropractor at this stage; an expert who can provide extensive knowhow and diagnoses into each and every kind of back-related issue. This article aims to prepare you somewhat, so you know some of the things to expect when you visit a Chiropractor for the first time.

In the event that your back pain turns out to be more serious than just symptoms of discomfort or overuse, here’s how a Chiropractor would generally diagnose causes:

Potentially Serious

This can range from conditions like tumors, infections, a local open wound or burn to major neurological problems such as cauda equina – a rare but serious condition nevertheless that’s best described as extreme pressure and swelling of the nerves at the lower tip of the spinal cord. This is considered a serious medical emergency and may need urgent surgical attention.

Other conditions in this category include prolonged internal bleeding and joint infection.

Nerve Problem

In cases where the nerve root in the lower back is compressed or pinched, you experience sciatica. One of the typical causes of this condition is a lumbar herniated disc or spinal stenosis – with age, the general makeup of the spine often changes, leading to degeneration of the bones, muscles, ligaments and discs surrounding the spinal cord. A common symptom of this condition is leg pain. This pain is often accompanied by a tingling sensation in the buttocks and legs.


This can be categorized as “mechanical back pain” in the lumbar region; also known as axial back pain, this is categorized as either a sharp or dull pain and can be either felt intermittently or constantly. It’s referred to as mechanical since the lower back pain can get worse with certain physical movements such as sports. Or symptoms can worsen as a result of sitting long hours for example. This is also a common type of back pain and is typically non-specific.

Good posture is very important when it comes to a healthy way of living.  Chiropractors help you maintaining one.  A lot of people don’t comprehend the importance of a good posture.  Some experience varying degrees of pain all over the body that gradually turns into major complications.  What people fail to realize is that the root of many of the simplest and even the complex of all health issues are usually linked to the body posture, in one way or another.

If someone is experiencing anything from the following symptoms, it would be a wise idea to get their posture evaluated to see if that is causing any of the complications.  Fortunately, a few relatively simple exercises can help in restoring the body posture and eliminate any problems associated with it.

1.    HEAD

Following symptoms may be felt in the head due to incorrect postures:

  • The person may have frequent headaches, including the ‘throbbing’ feeling
  • It feels that the head may split open
  • It feels as if something is pounding inside the head
  • The individual may suffer from dizziness and a loss of sense of balance
  • The sounds around them may seem way too loud to them along with a ringing sound in the ears

2.    EYES

The eyes may be subjected to the following:

  • The eye-sockets are painful and cause the eyes to feel sore
  • Rolling the eyes causes pain
  • Eyes lose their natural wetness
  • The vision starts to get blurry

3.    NECK

The neck is a quite sensitive area due to the passing spinal cord and is almost always affected by a bad posture.

  • Shooting neck pain
  • Muscle spasms occur regularly
  • The neck feels stiff

4.    JAW

The jaw bone is also affected by bad posture in the following way:

  • The individual may start experiencing TMJ pain
  • It gets painful to chew, and a popping sound is heard
  • The cheek muscles start to hurt
  • Shoulders are also significantly affected:
  • The person may feel pain in the socket
  • It may become difficult to raise arm or when trying to scratch the back




Fortunately, before any complicated problems start happening, a chiropractor can prescribe exercises that are aimed at strengthening muscles and bones and help in restoring a proper body posture.  Many of the exercises are easy to do at home and are designed to relax stiff muscles, keep the spinal column in a correct shape and thereby improve the overall lifestyle.

Exercise is also a great way to avoid heart diseases, high blood pressures, diabetes and scores of other diseases that result from

Back pain may occur due to various reasons; be it a sports injury, pulling a heavy object or a fall/ injury to the spine. If you are suffering from back pain, it would be wise to have a look at some of the common risk factors and causes of back pain by consulting a Chiropractor.

Risk Factors

The risk of back pain varies in different individuals, depending on their lifestyle. People who work in a mentally stressful job, smoke or go through strenuous physical work are more susceptible to back pain than those who don’t. Other factors such as pregnancy, anxiety, depression and obesity can also lead to this condition. Age is also a factor, as older individuals are at a higher risk than younger ones.

Causes Of Back Pain



The most common cause of back pain is strained muscles and ligaments, which may be a result of lifting something heavy or a sudden awkward movement. It can also be caused by improper posture due to a bad mattress or sitting position.

Structural Problems

The human body is a complex structure composed of bones, muscle, ligaments and joints. A fault in any of these can cause numerous problems, including back pain. Some particular structural problems that may affect the back are as follows:


Arthritis can cause various joint problems in the hips and lower back.

Bulging And Ruptured Disks

The vertebra in our spine is cushioned by a disk, so a ruptured disk would result in more pressure on the nerves, resulting in back aches. A bulging disk would put even more pressure on the nerves.


A bulging disk can also press on a nerve in the spine, causing a shooting pain through the buttocks and down the legs.

Curvature Of The Spine

An unnatural curvature of the spine can cause the space around the spinal cord to narrow, causing back pains.


A vertebra fracture can be caused by the bones becoming more brittle.

Conditions, There are also some conditions which may cause back pains.

Spinal Cancer

A growth or tumor on the spine may press against a nerve.


Infection on the nerves (shingles) and spine may also cause pains.

Cauda Equine Syndrome

The growth of nerve roots at the bottom of the spinal cord can cause a dull pain, as well as lack of feeling in the upper buttocks.


Cervical Spine (Neck)


The cervical spine is the structure connecting the brain to the rest of the body. It envelopes the spinal cord that runs messages from the brain to the other parts of the body and vice versa. Not only does it contribute to keeping safe the most delicate part of the body, but it also regulates flow of blood to brain and supports the head.


The bones in the neck enable you to rotate your head in various directions. Any stiffness or injury can hamper your functionality. There are several types of neck pains that can be a source of constant stress.  Several people rely on medication and heating pads and even opt for surgeries (as a last resort), however, an effective and non surgical treatment of chiropractic can be miraculously helpful.


Chiropractic Care




In the year 1895, this healing technique was founded by D.D. Palmer. It is comprised of manual therapies and is said to alleviate musculoskeletal concerns. Under a musculoskeletal condition, the joints, muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments of an individual are affected. An impact on the aforementioned can result in minor discomfort and pain to more serious conditions.


World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 published an article that considered chiropractic techniques to be a medicine and surgery free health profession. The main focus of the practice is in the area of the spine. The method of adjusting and manipulating spinal joints dates back to the time of Hippocrates and continued to thrive over the years. Now the spinal manipulation is practiced in several different parts of the world.


Spinal Manipulation


Spinal manipulation is the most emphasized aspect of chiropractic practices. It involves the art of using manual therapy to activate the joints and muscles. With the use of the hands, the practitioner moves the joints and muscles, as per the required treatment. You might remember watching a scene in several different movies or television shows where a stiff back was fixed by giving a sudden jerk. Following a muscle popping sound, the individual would be relieved of pain.


Similar is the scenario under a chiropractic practitioner, however, it takes into account safety and consent of the individual in pain in opposition to the situations depicted on television. The motive of spinal manipulation is to enable the normal movement of the body by relaxing tight muscles and loosening joints.


Not only is spinal manipulation an important asset for a chiropractic practitioner; the use of exercise and electrical devices are also common. The electrical modalities are devices that stimulate the joints and muscles.


Spinal manipulation is the core element of chiropractic treatments and is immensely effective for relieving neck pain. Performed by a licensed and certified practitioner and being characterized as non surgical and medicine-free, this might be turn out to be an appropriate option for you.

Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Eli Christman